Ronald Losure's photos

Parroquia San Pedro Apostal, Alegría

A chapel in memory of Arzobispo Romero

18 Jan 2017 170
Parroquia Santa Lucía, Suchitoto, El Salvador

The main altar

18 Jan 2017 150
Parroquia Santa Lucía, Suchitoto, El Salvador

View from the back of the church

18 Jan 2017 160
Parroquia Santa Lucía, Suchitoto, El Salvador

A side aisle

18 Jan 2017 1 153
Parroquia Santa Lucía, Suchitoto, El Salvador

Parroquia Santa Lucía, exterior

18 Jan 2017 1 182
Parroquia Santa Lucía, Suchitoto, El Salvador

Guide & his dog in the river bed

18 Jan 2017 140
Cascada Los Tercios, Suchitoto, El Salvador

El perro del guía

18 Jan 2017 1 186
Cascada Los Tercios, Suchitoto, El Salvador

El guía posando por una foto.

18 Jan 2017 134
Cascada Los Tercios, Suchitoto, El Salvador

View of the basalt formation from below

18 Jan 2017 1 2 172
Cascada Los Tercios, Suchitoto, El Salvador

Some of the rocks that have tilted

18 Jan 2017 162
Cascada Los Tercios, Suchitoto, El Salvador

Reflections at dusk

12 Jan 2017 2 1 139
A calm winter evening at my pond.

Reflections on a cold morning

Sentinels of the power line

09 Jan 2017 107
Black vultures watching the rising sun on a cold morning.

White pelican

28 Dec 2016 1 165
Sometimes, thousands of pelicans can be seen near here. This one was alone on the Tennessee River. The others were apparently elsewhere on the refuge.

Egret, herons & cranes

28 Dec 2016 1 182
The great egret and great blue heron were walking together along the shore. The cranes stayed higher on the mud flats.

Osprey Point

A pair of sandhill cranes

3069 items in total