Ronald Losure's photos

Cattle egret at the edge of the pond

09 Jun 2024 4 11
Bubulcus ibis

Luna moth on the front door

09 May 2024 1 4
Actias luna

Branco enjoying wading in the pond

Ring-necked snake

07 Jun 2024 1 2 7
One of the smallest snakes here. About 12 cm long.

Barred owl

08 Jun 2024 2 4 7
Another barred owl had just departed a nearby tree. I suppose they were relatives.

Spider walking on water

Green heron

02 Jun 2024 21 28 56
Butorides virescens

Campsis radicans

Little frog

29 May 2024 18 16 48
Sorry, I haven't identified its species yet.

Campsis radicans

30 May 2024 5 6 24
Commonly called "trumpet vine".

Red-headed woodpecker on TVA line

Painted turtle enjoying the sunshine


24 May 2024 5 2 18
Resting in the shade near the pond.

Mississippi kite

26 May 2024 6 4 32
Ictinia mississippiensis It has just fetched a branch back to its favorite tree.

Chestnut flowers

Branco & a blooming chestnut tree

Cicada on chestnut flower

Mississippi kite

22 May 2024 8 4 46
It was chased to this tree by some much smaller bird that I couldn't identify. After the little bird departed, the kite sat on this perch for a long time.

3035 photos in total