Articles by Xythian

  • Uploading 3

    - 11 years ago
    Jeffery Friedl's ipernity plugin has been released. I'm giving it a shot.

  • Uploading and club

    - 17 Jun 2013
    I signed up for "club" but have yet to do any real uploading. I'm crippled without the LR tie-in and given I know one is coming from Jeffery Friedl I can't bring myself to export/upload by hand. I need to scare up a profile picture, though. At this point the other site's redesign is growing on me but I don't want to lose track of the folks fleeing to here, so my current plan (once the uploader is available) is to push photos to both places (and, not wainting on the uploader and more important…

  • Uploading 2

    - 02 Jun 2013 - 8 comments
    I still haven't found a LR plugin. I uploaded some of my recent stuff by hand because I was tired of having nothing here. I'm not sure I'm going to "move" but I'll certainly be checking here. It's a real drag to not have a nice automatic workflow from LR.

  • Uploading

    - 25 May 2013
    I don't know yet how I'm going to upload here. I use Lightroom but haven't yet found a LR plugin for Ipernity.