Articles by Treasa Ui Cionaodha

  • Sal

    - 9 years ago - 7 comments
    Congrautlations Sandra This flower is dedicated to my daughter Sandra, to congratulate her on completing a back to education course for Mature Students, at Trinity Collage Dublin. ( Irelands most prestigious University) The course has only 25 places per year. Thousands apply so to get this course is really difficult to attain. The course link Due to ill health (an autoimmune disease called Mixed Connective Tissue Disease After 20 years approx of First Diagnosis. She was forced to take early retirement (52 years old). ( The disease manifests itself with server joint pain and many more horrible conditions) Rather than totally give in and allow her health issues to completely dominate her life she decided to challenge herself to see if she could complete this university course. ( Some days were very hard to attend) but she made it most days. So today she has completed her course with a High 2/1 (3% off a first). This result will allow here to apply to the University to do a degree course. She will now apply for a degree course which is a 4 year course. So here at home we are very proud of the battle she made to achieve her dream to attend any university but Trinity Collage was an ultimate achievement. I am often reminded of part of a poem which can express the battle on how to strive to achieve in adversity. IF by Ruyard Kepling “If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew To serve your turn long after they are gone, And so hold on when there is nothing in you Except the Will which says to them: ‘Hold on!” Link to IF in full.

  • IP on self destruction course:

    - 14 Sep 2014 - 5 comments
    Ticket #29055 I have another question... This conversation is followed by Léastaff. (2 days ago) The support team has answered your message. Sunday February 16, 2014 at 10:09AMTess Mc Kenna says: Hi Lea You continue to ban any link back such as “seen in” “optional text codes” or “small graphics” saying that they are “Promoting Groups” and therefore in your opinion this is SPAM. As said before there is no point in having groups in Ipernity if there is no link back or any kind. Banni…

  • Why have groups

    - 20 Feb 2014 - 12 comments
    I and a Majority of Members of Ipernity want the right to link back to where I saw an image in any optional form set out by a group. As said before what is the point of having ipernity groups at all if there is a continued ban on linking back to a group. ( for those who don’t want a link back they can chose there settings to avoid how comments appear on their page) A continued lack or resolve of this issue has so far led to so many groups closing and many members leaving Ipernity. It is my o…

  • Possible deleting of some Groups by Ipernity

    - 21 Oct 2013 - 6 comments
    In my opinion Regarding Ipernity’s decision to consider the possibly somewhere in the future to delete groups who use “Optional “text only “ or “text and graphic icons” for commenting purposes and graphic icon’s for invitations to the group because ipernity consider that this as spam. Also importantly keeping in mind that none of the groups concerned ( to the best of my knowledge) do not make it compulsory to use these options and so allows choice’s to members of groups to choose their own…