Dear friends,

The ipernity Team wishes you a marvelous and magical Christmas and all the best for 2014.

We want to thank you for your support and for the trust you put in ipernity.

2013 has been a good year for ipernity: our new version of the site that saw the light of day and that made the site easier to use. Our new friends who found us this summer and have a new home now, many new features added in just a few months that seem to be very popular among our users and so many passionate photographers who have found ipernity.

It has been a challenge and we count on having the same positive attitude for 2014.

Thanks to you, ipernity is on the right track to becoming the independant and quality alternative.

We are very excited to start the New Year and share with you many great things that are to come on ipernity.

Once again Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all!

The ipernity Team