Sherry ~ Rebujito's most read articles

  • omG it's starting to sink in :-D

    - 4 708 visits
    Okay it's starting to really hit me now...the *reality* of it all:   Jul 25, 2008 London Heathrow Airport, (LHR)  to  Cologne/Bonn K.A.Airport, (CGN) Depart: 03:05 PM Arrive: 05:25 PM   London, Great Britain (LHR) to Cologne/Bonn, Germany (CGN) British Midland Flight 3547 operated by…

  • Friends...Keep Smiling Keep Shining

    - 4 178 visits
    Just thinking of ALL of you...

  • I'm a Horse :-D

    - 3 561 visits
    What is YOUR animal personality? I'm a Horse  


    - 2 796 visits
    HELLO ALL This is information from Ratty's (Dany's) blog that he gathered from Sascha's (assbach's) blog and doc "What is your favorite photo sharing site" but it is WONDERFUL information to share with everyone here on Ipernity!!! VOTE!!! And show how much we all love and appreciate Ipernity!!! T…

  • picquoteaday :-D

    - 2 521 visits
    Hey everyone I'm trying to jump start myself to post more ! So here goes I'm going to try to post a pic a day with a favorite quote of mine...I know there are a bunch of groups with this idea...I don't know if I will do a group...just me expressing what is going on with me at the moment so here goes... take a peek when you can I am posting them to make contact with all of you too!!! Love, Sherry

  • Bitch

    - 2 492 visits
    Hee Hee Hee an oldie but a goodie I was inspired by someone over on flickr to post this...Someone claiming to want to become *friends*...well since now you'll never know hmmmm not ALL the lyrics fit...cuz I don't hate ANY day...and everybody knows I'm a big bawl baby ALLthe time...but the chorus yeah...this is pretty much here ya go...and to all my "bitches" in my network here you KNOW you love this's our anthem...LOVE to you ladies!!!!

  • For Grumpy!!! What kind of Candy are you?

    - 2 418 visits
      hee hee you knew all along didn't you??? :-DDDDD   Snickers Nutty and gooey - you always satisfy. What Kind of Candy Are You?

  • What Art Movement Are YOU?

    - 2 147 visits
    take another lil test   Who'da guessed I'm this huh???   You Are Romanticism You are likely to see the world as it should be, not as it is. You prefer to celebrate the great things people do... not the horrors they're capable of. For you, there is nothing more inspiring than a great hero. You believe that great art reflects the artist's imagination and true ideals. What Art Movement Are You?

  • 23 random things about me...

    - 2 080 visits
    Tagged by the beautiful MacKey :-) Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 23 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 6 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you. 1. I cuss a lot, but not in front of kids cept my own :-D 2. I'm a chocoholic 3. I love to dance. 4. my daughter says I'm conceited, but I prefer to say I'm confident…

  • Reflections of the thanks.

    - 1 869 visits
    Today was Thanksgiving here in America.  Traditionally the fourth Thursday in November, a day of giving thanks after the harvest season.  So we reflect on this day, and remember hopefully all that we have to be grateful for.  Now this particular time of year for me *could* have been one of tremendous sadness and pain.  You see both my parents (different years) died around Thanksgiving. My mother passed away the day before Thanksgiving the year she died, and we buried my father the day before the…

  • A Perspective Worth Giving A Read

    - 1 747 visits
    OKay despite where you stand politically this is certainly worth a read.  For me honestly I'm probably leaning more toward Obama...BUT this perspective certainly gives me pause, because it's so true...if the tables were turned and pundits and the press were spewing this shit about him...the whole world would be in an uproar...but because it is Hillary...a's all in good fun...just a joke...just a joke???? really???  I know this is long but just have a glance or two...thanks!  …

  • He Called Me Snickers...

    - 1 670 visits
    ... and I and most of his friends called him Grumpy. He was known as Old Pro here on Ipernity... his name was Roger Benson... I just learned today that Grumpy passed away Sunday...I am sad beyond words right now... Roger and I became very dear friends through this is why right I try to type through my tears...I wanted to let everyone here know, because I'm almost sure we had the same contacts, or very close to the same... I will post a portion…

  • Sherry's Most Excellent Adventure

    - 1 657 visits
    with just a few *mis* adventures

  • For Someone's Benefit....for the whole www to view :-D

    - 1 612 visits
    It was recently brought to my attention that I as a "lovely young lady" perhaps shouldn't be posting "all of my happenings for the whole www to view"...he wished to know what would "drive" me to do such a thing? Hmmmm well I answered him: Subject : Re: It may be dumb for U No Who 2 ask   L, Okay first off IMO...there are no dumb questions...ANY question means the person asking is seeking information...knowledge...hence no dumb questions. However…

  • Today I will be remembering watching planes take off and land :-)

    - 1 517 visits
    a memory...riding to the airport with my dad...parking the car...and sitting for hours...watching planes take off and land... we both loved it...everything about it...especially the time spent together as we shared this...talking...laughing...telling jokes...and even silence as we would watch... my dad was a very brilliant man...uneducated...but brilliant all the same...he should have been an astronaut...he loved everything about the space program... he had THE BEST sense of…


    - 1 394 visits
    OMG!!! Okay I am a TOTAL self proclaimed hopeless romantic!!! Well tonight I received a GIANT dose of romantic!!! Thanks to my sweet babydoll Brandi (my son Seth's girlfriend). She called me late this afternoon and asked if she could come over to decorate Seth's room...hmmm???? okay I thought????? (Seth was at a practice with his band As Forever Fades) ANYway Brandi explained that she wanted to decorate his room...and leave an invitation for him to Santa Switch... Santa Switch is a formal w…

  • ONE

    - 1 368 visits
    HEY SASCHA...   ONE!!! one day and I'll be there!! !  This will be my last post from "here" ;-) I'm on my way at 6:45 pm my time today!!!     So all my ipernity friends I'll keep in touch here when I can...   and Sascha remember what I've told you about home???  Home is not always a "physical" place for me...home is where you feel and give love, protection, security, warmth, happiness... so although yes I'm leaving home today...I am also on my way....home...…

  • Remembering Martin Today

    - 1 345 visits
    None of my words's the anniversary of a very dark day in history... Martin you are missed...but your spirit is here...  

  • with better shoes ;-)

    - 1 297 visits
    Off to San Francisco again...I'll keep in touch here when I can, but prolly after I get back...Tanya, Darwin and Mandi GET READY :-***


    - 1 279 visits
    HEE HEE okay since most people I know here at home...I've already shared this with or they actually witnessed it...just had to share it with you guys...cuz it felt SOOOOOOOO good!!!! Okay Friday night well actually early Saturday morning 1:30 AM to be daughter Sarah comes running into my bedroom very upset telling me "MOM there is someone banging on the front door"...okay see our *literal* front door...we don't use as our *front* door. Actually the front room of my house is Sarah'…

30 articles in total