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  • Stand Proud and Tall LONDON

    You are the city of my birth. In the 70's I lived and worked in London.. and was involved albeit on the edge of the IRA bombings. I know what that fear is. I was born just 10 miles from Marble Arch.... so the West End and Central London were my "home ground". I just have these words.... Atrocity doesnt define who you are . It gives you the chance to show the world just who you CAN be as the reverse sentiment. Don't be the victim... be the educator Unless we educate and assist a…

  • User Poll ... The Results So Far!

    User Poll Results ...
    Please see the update as posted along with the image below: Sink Or Swim ... Please note that I've locked this article to try and keep any comments people want to make on a single thread. Also, by having them on a photo thread we can perhaps get this image and the message it carries onto Explore and so make as many people aware of the crisis facing ipernity as possible. Thanks to everyone for their support and understanding. Best wishes PAUL


    Paul... (autofantasia https://www.ipernity.com/home/autofantasia ) has done a large amount of work getting this together www.ipernity.com/doc/autofantasia/43992640 Please read and comment..,and fav.... we NEED to get this to No1 Explore so people SEE it and read. Pass it along to your contacts as well please..... Many thanks

  • We do not have good news ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] In early 2016, we reported the situation ipernity has been facing ( UPTIME 3535 article ), and we were very touched by the great amount of support that article had sparked off. Despite our limited resources, we have done our best to keep the service in good working condition, particularly by exploring several ways to bring ipernity a second life (many thanks to those who suggested ideas). The best option remained to partner with another party who would be able to make the necessar…

  • Waterspouts at 'The Bay'

    small IGP0063
    I was delighted to find that Ipernity also incorporates a blog! It proved too hard to resist shuffling some words around, so welcome to my first Article.