Articles by neki desu

  • end of the season

    - 7 years ago
    The last bouquet . Until next year .

  • Working in series

    - 03 Jun 2016
    I am enjoying peonies season very much.Taking advantage of their daily unfolding to try and capture their beauty, as there is beauty in every change. Although somewhat reciprocal, Mono no aware is a much more refined concept than carpe diem; enjoy transient beauty while it lasts. i find black and white more expressive of the concept. It concentrates the essence doing away with any "extra" information.

  • still working

    - 07 Aug 2014
    where does time go when it goes?

  • me and cinemagraphs

    - 03 Aug 2013
    about 18 months ago , maybe more- time does fly, i came across the concept of cinemagraph and saw some mesmerizing examples produced by a couple from new york . the devoted gadgeteer in me yelled-i want to do that!! and off i went collecting information and tutorials. i have made 4 or 5, but there are still rough spots to polish. it is a good training for thye eye when filming videos and the post production is a lot of fun.

  • Grunge and the Frugal Textilian

    - 26 Jul 2013
    a work in progress. i was gifted-the kindness of strangers- with a knitting machine some years ago. teaching myself the ropes has been slow, but each discovery has nonetheless been exhilarating. while producing an incredible number of swatches that need to be done with the actual yarn to be used-if not swatching is useless-i am faced with a stash in various conditions. another turn of the screw brought me to assembling them and dyeing, stitching and embelishing.

  • el camino

    - 20 Jul 2013 - 2 comments
    i went for a week to do part of st. james' way or el camino de santiago in spanish. my friend and i didn't have too much time therefore we chose la rioja as our lap. we walked along a devastatingly beautiful region with vineyards-rioja wine-which as you walked into the province of leon changed to wheat fields. the colors, the wild flowers, the smells, the limpid skies acted as a balsam for our thirst and tired feet. the food merits a chapter on its own. the unofficial oral narrati…