Marius G.Mihalache Michel's most read articles

  • Old Time Piano

    - 1 985 visits

  • michel2233's albums

    - 1 354 visits
    michel2233's albums on

  • JB (Jan Boerlage) meet Marius G.Mihalache

    - 1 273 visits
    Two DJ’s – One style – Two vibes! In the Mixcloud Collaboration series Dutch Sounds By JB partners with several DJ’s and musicians over the world to make unique collaboration mixes. Fifth episode: JB meets Marius G.Mihalache (Romania) Marius G.Mihalache aka Michel is a Romanian artist working as musician and photographer for the past 15 years. From an early age he learned to love music and art in all its forms. This beautiful mix will be take you on a nostalgic tour, giving you samples of the music that inspired Michel and JB in our early years. Music that truly meant something, in a different way, in a different country, in a different time. Music that inspired them to get involved more with music, to write music.

  • When these Beats ..

    - 1 195 visits
    A little song ... When these Beats .. I've never seen So special girl I've never seen So much beauty I say I love you But You laugh I've never felt So special thaughts I've never felt So stronger beats of heart I've never felt Like a looser When these beats Stoped I've never seen So special colours I've never seen Such a clear sky I said Is time to fly But you took my wings I've never f…

  • Vogue Arome - pdf

    - 1 111 visits

  • Some old music from my country

    - 1 047 visits
    Romanian folklore ... I remembered some old scores in my library .. They belonged to my great grandfathers ... Scores were printed around 1900 ... I was curious what of those notes. Scores were only piano so I had some work ... and here the result .. means a lot to me because I somehow give life to those notes. Seems a collage of traditional Romanian songs, I think is called Pastoral Romanian .. Anyway, I hope to have the patience to listen and to passing over my inexpert orchestration. The real…

  • The End of Tapes Album

    - 962 visits
    I still have two tape recorders (magnetophones), and many magnetic tapes with music that I listened in the old days of '70 - '80. But always at the end of these magnetic tapes I record all sorts of things, small songs made by me, recordings with my band, or strange noises. Here in the '70 the most common magnetic tapes they were ORWO (produced in DDR - Deutsche Demokratische Republik), AGFA and BASF. I disbanded the erasing head of my magnetophone and make some overlay but with obvious loss…


    - 936 visits
    "RIVER OF FORGETFULNESS" (film soundtrack compositions - work in progress) I used as additional instruments a "Irish Tin Whistle" (six-holed woodwind instrument / brass tubing), an "Irish Bouzouki" (four course/eight string), a clavietta (Wind Piano), guitars (twelve and six strings guitar, electric bass), Roland XP-50 workstation, Shure 55SH Series II microphone... and a lot (two nights) of improvisation. Drinking from the river Lethe ("forgetfulness" or "oblivion") caused complete forgetfulness. Some ancient Greeks believed that souls were made to drink from the river before being reincarnated, so they would not remember their past lives. The Rivers of Hades. In Greek mythology, Styx (Στυξ) is a river which formed the boundary between Earth and the Underworld, Hades. It circles Hades nine times. The rivers Styx, Phlegethon, Acheron and Cocytus all converge at the center of Hades on a great marsh. The other important rivers of Hades are Lethe and Eridanos.

  • Pinwheel

    - 871 visits
      Watching The Wheels ...   Thank you Mother Thank you Butterfly Thank you Wind Thank you Liz Thank you John Thank you People Thank you all

  • REM soundtrack

    - 801 visits
    A hard day's work to compose these songs for the soundtrack of the movie REM by Doris Ciortan, it was very urgent to finish editing the film. Not only the composition but also mounting sound track ... dialogues, noises, music, efx. Fortunately everything was finished in time and we ran to another city for the projection. I mixed here almost all the pieces made ​​by me, but not all entered in the soundtrack. REM Soundtrack by Marius G.Mihalache Michel on Mixcloud

  • AHA

    - 709 visits
    a little old song ...  

  • Polaroid Like - pdf

    - 693 visits

  • Without End

    - 574 visits
    music by Marius G.Mihalache aka michel2233 soundtrack from "Without End" movie

  • The Wreck - pdf

    - 561 visits

  • The Circle

    - 552 visits
    Music composed by MgM Michel