Marko Novosel's favorite articles

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  • 5 January 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, "We’ll take a cup o’ kindness yet, for auld lang syne." - Robert Burns With the ringing in of the new year, we wish our ipernity community a year of joy, laughter, and of course, lots of shared photos and images! The team is grateful for everything we've done together in the past year. May the excitement of what's yet to come fill our website and your lives. 1. Revision for user creating a new group. Relating to item 20 of the 'problems' di…

  • Frisbee

    Frisbee Frisbee Aggrieved as listed apart songs cover a few later intentions coated merciful deity we’re all very hard of hearing emoting congregations but sorrow pulls the mother out from the pool Compasses float in soup alpha particles shudder like skirts flexible flesh the continents drift into scalloped edges crusts like the pools of ice you wore that left little to the imagination Human contrasts offer some consolation but…

  • Risiko, Wahrnehmung & Angst

    Über Corona, Emotionen und den Sex-Appeal von Verbotsparteien

  • 2019-02-14 [EN] Software Update Strategy

    ipernity club members
    [DE] Software-Update-Strategie ./. [FR] Stratégie de mise à jour du logiciel ./. Today we would like to present you a concept for the increasingly urgent upgrading of ipernity to the state of the art. This is combined with the long announced transition offer to free users. It is valid from today for three months, i.e. until 15 May 2019. Dear members and friends of ipernity! Over the past 12 months, our community has spent around 22,000 EUR on maintaining and updating our w…

  • Mein Account

    Von Zeit zu Zeit lade ich meine Bilder, die ich auch auf Flickr veröffentliche, hier auf meinen Ipernity Account. Nachdem Ipernity in unruhiges Fahrwasser geriet, wechselte ich wieder nach Flickr. Leider war die damalige Infopolitik nicht so doll, sonst wäre ich weiterhin Aktuellnutzer meines Accounts geblieben. Aus Solidarität mit den FotoveröffentlichernInnen auf dieser Plattform habe ich aber meinen Pro-Account weiter aufrecht erhalten. Das werde ich auch in Zukunft so halten, obwohl es viel…

  • Weird Soviet Buildings

    I came upon this website w ith photographs of bulidings from the soviet era. They are all in the brutalist design, which was very popular worldwide during the 1960s through 1980s, but these photographs show really really weird stuff. Enjoy!

  • About the IMA proposal / Au sujet de la proposition de l'IMA

    == EN == Hi Everybody, Just a quick message to say that we're 99% ok with the IMA proposal. I'm sure we will find in the next hours (maybe tomorrow) a final agreement. Please be sure that I'm doing my best to make the deal happen. Thank You for your patience and your understanding. Christophe Ruelle. PS : I will not be able to reply to all emails / comments shortly. == FR == Bonjour tout le monde, Un rapide messahe pour vous rassurer sur le fait que nous sommes à 99% d'a…