KliX's most read articles

  • We are all Gaza

    - 2 043 visits
      The European Campaign to end the siege on Gaza. Action on Thursday Jan. 24. To show solidarity with the people in Gaza, at 20:00 o'clock turn off the lights and light candles for 20 minutes. Copy this image and use it as your avatar for a while or use the theme to create an image dedicated to the people in Gaza. If you know of any other actions in the coming days to show solidarity with the people of Gaza please let others know and feel free to post them here.

  • Impressionist Camera: Pictorial Photography in Europe, 1888-1918

    - 1 696 visits
    This the title of the book I am reading now. Here is a link to the publisher's page: http://www.merrellpublishers.com/books.php I always admired impressionism as a school of art and I did not know that photography had such a movement and that it was struggling so early to acquire the title of art. It is fascinating what these artists were able to do using the Gum Bichromate and Oil Transfer methods. I firs knew about these methods by reading about the work of Franti…

  • One Life Photos 2011 Competition

    - 1 607 visits
    Originally I wanted to participate with other pictures that represent more my style.Then I had to watch the tragic events taking place in my home-country Syria and Syrian Army rolling into towns with tanks in order to repress the people's peaceful freedom uprising. I remembered the children of whom I took pictures during a journey with my family and friends at historical sites in the Governorate of Idlib in March 2008. The home region of these children is now under massive attack of army…

  • Why are manipulating the pictures?

    - 1 499 visits
    I am asking myself a question all the time: A few decades ago (and even still) it was not possible to obtain cameras with good optic or even other features to deliver a photo with good quality, objectively speaking, without distortion, blur, colour infringement, etc. Many people had to shoot with Polaroids, holgas, lomos, etc. Fascinatingly pictures came out that had bad quality but were regarded as art. In our days, what are many people doing? I am shooting with an excellent camera and excel…

  • Friday walk at the Rhine

    - 953 visits
    I go every now and then to work with the bicycle when I feel really active and the weather is kind to me. Today was one of those days. Please note that the distance is 12km each way, what is not quite short. The nicest part of it is the peace where I ride along the Rhine river. I decided today to take my camera with me and take a few pictures of a subject I was thinking of in the last days: Ships and boats. So, I left work relatively early and went along the river, starting at the so called R…

  • I.N.R.I.

    - 865 visits
    Don't wonder. This is the name of the book I bought one week ago. It is a beautiful book of Photgpraphs by Bettina Rheims (probably my favourite photographer) and Serge Bramly. It is a combination of text, a modern narration of the story of Jesus life and the photographic interpretation. Well at least the pictures caused big trouble with the Church, I can tell you. Anyway, I sat in my favourite Café at the Museum Ludwig in Cologne and read in the book, listened to the Live Bossa Nova music a…

  • Czech Photography of the 20th Century

    - 834 visits
    I went today visit an exhibition on "Czech Photography of the 20th Century": www.kah-bonn.de/index_e.htm It was quite inspiring and I was mostly inspired by the old techniques of printing like OIl Prints, Gum Prints and many other processes. I am going to process my pictures in a way that is inspired by these great old pictures. The series is called KAHBRD . There are fabulous works of different styles and schools reflecting the development of photography in the last century. Among them…

  • The Hot Shoe Diary

    - 832 visits
    I am reading for the moment the following book on photography with Flash: The Hot Show Diaries by Joe McNally http://www.peachpit.com/store/product.aspx?isbn=032160248X The author wrote the book in the form of a funny (well this is subjective, and one has to understand American slang) diary showing you different situations or assignments he had to solve and how he did that with small flashes (speedlights). It is especially handy for people use to Nikon systems (unfortunately I shoot with…

  • 1001, for 2 nights!

    - 827 visits
    about a 2 day business trip in Moscow (updated)

  • Next vacation!

    - 749 visits
    I obviouslay write only about this subject here ;-) No matter, I wanted to inform you that I am going to disappear for 2 weeks and fly to Greece where I am going to visit 2 islands (Naxos, Santorini) and maybe a third one (Amorgós). I don't think that anybody would miss me but if this happens you know teh erason for my disappearance. I might be posting some pics from there but thi smight be a complicated issue. Probably when I come back my pictures would have mainly 2 colours: White & Blue…

  • More thoughts about Avedon's "In The American West"

    - 747 visits
    I mentioned in my last posting Richard Avedon 's exhibition in Berlin. I came back home and went straight away to buy a book about the pictures. I came back with 2 books, one contained the pictures themselves and one written by Laura Wilson titled “ Avedon At Work ”. Wilson accompanied Avedon in his venture as he was taking the pictures. Work extended over 6 years in which portraits of 752 people taken on 17000 large format film sheets in 17 US states and 189 towns were taken. Of all this 123…

  • Wondering about an ehxibition

    - 699 visits
    Dear friends, Last week I went to see the opening of a beautiful exhibition of the photographer Antonio Girbés. It is in fact the series "Untitleds" in this website: http://www.antoniogirbes.com/ Would you please have a look at it and tell me what you think about the backgrounds? Have they been made digitally or rather painted? And if they have been made digitally then how? Any concrete hints and tricks? Please note that each one of these pictures was printed on the size of somehow 80x80…

  • Hardware calibration?

    - 680 visits
    I bought the other day a set of fine art print papers to print a few pictures to be sent to a friend as a gift. I soon had to figure out and after I wasted a few sheets of expensive paper (and ink) that it was not possible (or I did not achieve it) to make the prints look like what is appearing on the monitor, assuming it is calibrated. Today, I tested the assumption of the monitor being calibrated and this was was also not the case. So, I took a picture of Kodak Grey scale and standard colour s…

  • Richard Avedon: Exhibition in Berlin

    - 655 visits
    Today I was in Berlin in a business trip and had extra 2 hours before my flight back so I jumped into the Martin Gropius building where an exhibition of Richard Avedon is taking place. I was stunned by the beauty of the pictures, mostly portraits made with a large format camera in B&W. I was feeling during this that there is no need to make any further portraits in this world. Avedon did it all. It is an amazing feeling to stand before of these pictures, the very large ones and the smaller one…

  • Back from vacation

    - 648 visits
    I am back now after a week of vacation between almost freezing temperatures with chimney to sunny warm days and between green fields in quite villages to beautiful old cities. Now I am back to life and back to reality. I  might post a few pics in the next few days!

  • Holiday in Bella Italia

    - 618 visits
    I am going to disappear from here for 2 weeks as I am going to spend 2 weeks of Holiday in Sicily. Let's hope that I'll have a few good shots to share with you when I come back

  • No pictures to share while blood is being shed in Palestine

    - 595 visits
    Well my friends, probably most thing I like is to look at beautiful pictures and share them with you. However, I do not feel like doing that now. I can't do this while people are dying in this horrible manner in Palestine (in this case Gaza) and nobody is moving or even trying to stop this mad killing campaign built on false propaganda and murderous and racist policy as Israel is doing and has been always doing since it has been founded and before that. I am sick of this silence. You can look…

  • not really active

    - 522 visits
    to those whom it might concern :-P well I am not quite active in these days regarding posting pictures for many reasons: Loss of inspiration, confusion, and most importantly I am asking myself why I am posting pictures at all and sharing them with you?? No clue! My experience at Flickr taught to not trust anything anymore on the net. Si I am not able to take the decision to leave Flickr entirely? partially? come her entirely? partially? both? none? I think that I am going on a smal…

  • Protests against war in Gaza Group

    - 514 visits
    I started a group called Protests against war in Gaza (Group) The aim of the group is to document the protests against the Gaza war. So, if you happen to have made pictures of protests against this war, you are more than welcome to add them to this pool

  • 1 of 4000

    - 511 visits
    Today I particiapted in a demonstration against the Israeli agression on Palestine in Düsseldorf/Germany. There were something like 4000 remonstrants from all possible groups, parties and individuals, Germans, Arabs and Kurds, etc. I went there to demonstrate to the German government that I am totally unsatisfied from their position towards the aggression and regarding its unconditional support for Israel in general. It was also a chance to take a few journalistic pictures.

22 articles in total