Articles by just"jj"

  • Last Try

    - 2 years ago - 4 comments
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  • Greetings and AWOL from me (too)

    - 30 Dec 2017
    oh gosh ... it's been YEARS :( This new year will see lots of changes for me, with two of the younger grandchildren beginning school and the toddler two now "grownup" little children ... and my own involvement will be regular, but not so intense. It has been a huge 5 years, and a real honour to have been included in all their lives, including the elder two now in their teens, but am looking forward to stepping back just a bit. A while ago I upgraded my camera, but it was constantly needing repair and in the last year reached the point of needing to be rebooted after every shot ... so I gave up. Now though, after deciding not to spend outrageous sums getting the old (new) one fixed (with a limited warranty) for what is apparently an engineering or design problem, I am the very thrilled owner of a new camera and learning its ropes. When at home my internet is very slow, but for this week in South Australia's bush, it is speedy quick and I am LOVING being able to catch up a bit. I send my greetings and best wishes for a fresh new year on every possible front. Judith