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Publication date  /  2015  /  October   -   8 articles

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  • I have arrived!

    - 02 Oct 2015 - 4 comments
    Hi there folks. just to let you all know that I have at last arrived. Today I spent at Mandi's home because of the journey. There was such a lot of movement and my brain didn't like it very much. So I decided to stay in and Mandi felt the same.

  • Hiya folks. ....

    - 06 Oct 2015 - 8 comments
    Sorry I haven't been able to be on here much lately but the Internet has been playing up and it's just reappeared a moment ago. So I will be as quick as possible just in case it goes again! Well the weather has been glorious - perfect temps for me.

  • The Internet is not too good......

    - 11 Oct 2015 - 6 comments
    Sorry folks but because of the awful incident in Ankara yesterday, the Turkish government are monitoring all Internet communications. So that is why I haven't been able to comment on any blogs nor Skype those of you who I promised to. Mandi's Internet

  • We had a glorious sunset today

    - 12 Oct 2015 - 5 comments
    Hi there folks, it seems that I can come on to this site at times but as far as Facebook etc is concerned, it's really hit and I miss. Anyway the weather today has been mainly good but there were some clouds and as such, there was a stunning sunset.

  • Pussy cats on the beach

    - 14 Oct 2015 - 4 comments
    Yesterday we were on the beach and had some gorgeous visitors. This cat looks so like Mandi's cat, Minoche, that she actually convinced me that he'd come down to the beach. It was only when I saw him face on, that I saw it wasn't. (feeling

  • I'm feeling sad. .......

    - 21 Oct 2015 - 5 comments
    Hi folks, just checking in. Today I am feeling quite sad because tomorrow I go back to the UK. I can't believe that three weeks have already gone. I've had a wonderful time here and being with Mandi and Dogan has been really great. I've had quite a

  • Sorry folks for not coming on here much. ......

    - 26 Oct 2015 - 4 comments
    Hiya folks, just wanted to apologise for not coming on here much, especially as I've been back home since Friday, but the journey really whacked me out and I just can't get myself motivated to get up and do things. I've done the washing and watered

  • This time last week................

    - 29 Oct 2015 - 11 comments
    Well this time 8 days ago really, but that's not the usual saying LOL. I was sunbathing and swimming in the sea 8 days ago and it seems a million miles away. I still haven't left the house since I came back last Thursday and that's mainly because I