Well folks - we've had some sunshine today, which is different from yesterday when we had showers, and the day before was quite nice too. I took some pictures from my lounge window then and I put them up here, but didn't do a blog to incorporate them.

I've been busy cleaning the paintwork in the downstairs rooms etc and I think I was a little too eager with my scrubbing!!!! My back has been complaining ever since and so I've had to stop. It really gets me annoyed that I have to pace myself, this is something that I've got to do if I want to get anywhere - but old age is driving me mental........... I want to be able to do simple things without having to take the next day off to recuperate...

Anyway after a day of washing down the hall and the paintwork in the hall, my back started to twinge and so I stopped - eventually - once I'd finished off the last thing I was cleaning - I'll never learn..............

It was such a lovely sunny day that I thought I'd take some pictures from the lounge window - there was a cool breeze so going outside wasn't appealing, okay this limited my vision of the garden, but there is an abundance of aqualegia outside growing wherever it wants to which is wonderful...........

The sun really catches them when it's the afternoon and the mombretia leaves really makes the flowers stand out beatifully against them........

I'm surprised there were some tiny cobwebs on some of the plants - I'd have thought the wind we've had would have done away with them............

Most of my lilac has gone now, except the lovely dark purple one.........

The white and pale purple didn't stand a chance - the wind and rain was relentlessly blowing or knocking off the blooms and my garden/driveway was covered with bits of flowers..............

The laburnam has just started to flower and as long as we don't get the really heavy winds nor the rain, then there's a good chance that it'll be around for more than a couple of days........

Just outside my lounge window there is a trough which I think originally held some flowers - years ago anyway - and now it's home to honeysuckle - and it's just starting to sprout......

Just hope that the wind dies down so that I can have the lounge window open and then I can smell this amazing scent from the honeysuckle. It's wonderful when it wafts through the house.

I've planted out some lilies and am going to the store to get some petunia plants which should keep me in flowers this summer.

Have seen on the news what awful weather some of you are experiencing - I am so sorry. As for those of you whose families are in Nepal must be so frantic knowing that there are still aftershocks and small tremours being felt there. I just can't imagine how horrible it must be for those poor people.

Speak again soon - take care and I wish you all a lovely warm day