Tony and Stevie came up today for a quick visit and it was so lovely seeing them. The drive-up had been a dim one as the weather was all overcast, but then they came up to us and the sun started to come out and by the afternoon, the weather was gorgeous. A sharp wind but blue skies and sun.

They stayed for supper, a lovely roast chicken with roast potatoes and vegetables, with ice-cream for dessert and then they went home - it takes almost 2 hours to drive from their home to here.

Mandi said that as it was a nice evening, how about going to the beach for a break and taking sunset photos - I was ready in 2 minutes - LOL

Boy when we got there - the sun was about 30 minutes before setting, but the wind was so strong and bitterly cold, we didn't stay for longer than 15 minutes - we were shivering and it just wasn't worth getting a chill for the sake of a few photographs. It certainly woke us up though.....

As you can see - it was pretty well deserted...........

Mandi certainly wrapped up warm, but I didn't have a parka, just a warm cardigan, so we left soon after arriving. I took a video of the wind and you can just make out the sand being blown all over the beach.........

She has already booked her flight back to Turkey - May 14th, oh I'll miss her so much, I just love having her here with me, but she needs to get back - something to do with her residential visa and she needs to be with her hubby.

Still I'll go and visit them in September for a couple or so weeks. Hope you all have had good weekend.