Mandi and I are both trying to get over nasty colds and today dawned beautiful blue sky and bright sun. So once we'd got two large washes done and put on the lines to dry, we decided that we really needed to get some fresh air into our lungs......

I'm still coughing and my voice comes and goes if I use it a lot - much to Mandi's amusement - hmmm. Still we drove down to Westward Ho but made sure that we didn't go near the main beach because it would have been very difficult to find anywhere to park, so we went down one of the little roads to the top of the rock pool.

Now the sun was out and the tide was coming in - gorgeous. Still as soon as we got to the beach, the wind started picking up and it was oh so cold.

Luckily we'd taken our cardigans and in Mandi's case - a hoodie. because they were really needed. We watched a couple and their dog walk around the rock pool and the dog was desperate to get into the water and had a great time - as you can see from this video.........

Then I thought that you might like to see the beach from our angle, the tide was starting to come in, so it would be about another 4 hours before it actually got to the Pebble Ridge........

I just loved the sound of the waves today - there were some hardy souls trying their hand at kayaking against the waves. I must admit I love sitting there just watching the sea, it makes up for not being able to watch the dogs on Instow beach. Still you can't have everything.

After about half an hour, we both realised that it would be silly to stay any longer and we were getting quite chilled by then, so we came home, had a large cup of tea and got warm really quickly. Then we settled down to watch the Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix....... not a terribly exciting race - there again it was nice to see it.

So we had a good time being outside and filling our lungs with good old ozone. I hope you've all have had a good weekend.