Busy day for me today in comparison to what I usually have going on. I had to visit the dentist again - last one until August - boo hoo.LOL. Dear Yuri did the final clean up of my teeth. He made me jump a couple of times - got the gum instead of the tooth - OUCH. Apart from that - it was fine. The weather has changed today - it was a lovely blue sky and the wind had died down and the sun was nice and warm. I decided that I should visit the beach. So I drove down to the sea. The tide was in and the crowds weren't there - bliss. I found a good place to lean on the sea wall and watched the sea rolling in. There were hardly any waves, just two at a time and so I had plenty of time to get the picture just as the wave hit the boulders............

Luckily the council have put huge boulders at the end of the slipway to dispel the force of the sea and that works brilliantly - also it means that they make the waves spray wonderfully............

Well the wind decided to return and so I reluctantly left and went to Asda - the superstore was advertising lamb at a reduced price - so I thought I'd pop over and grab a good joint....................sold out.... hmmmm. They said they'd have more in tomorrow, but I'm not going out tomorrow. I've put in an order for my groceries to be delivered tomorrow, and have ordered a lamb joint. If it's good, then I'll pop up and get another one.

Apart from that - I enjoyed my day out. There are some really daft drivers up here in Bideford. Mandi has mentioned it several times and I must admit I hadn't really noticed it much, til today - oh boy how can they honestly say they're drivers - I bet some of them can't park properly and I wonder when they last looked at the Highway Code. LOL