Well yesterday the sun came out and it was too enticing to stay indoors. So I picked the camera up and decided to visit Instow. At least there I can sit on the bench and watch the dogs having a great time on the beach.

As you can see from my pictures - there were lots of people on the beach with their pooches and everyone was having a great time. The sun was warm and the wind wasn't too bad. I managed to stay for about half an hour all told, but I was getting quite cold by this time, that I decided it was time to come back home.

As you can see the sky was lovely and blue which was in stark contrast to the morning one and todays for that matter. It's all grey and cloudy...........

The tide was far out which gave everyone plenty of room to run around on.......

The dogs were having a great time, some found some sticks to rescue and they proudly displayed their treasure...... others just played with the balls their owners had provided for them........

As you can tell - I had a good time just sitting there watching the fun. Today - no such luck - horrible grey sky and it's gone cold again. No wonder we get colds - mind you I do feel guilty complaining of being cold, when it's nothing compared to those of you in the US. I really do feel so sorry for you all having to cope with this extraordinary weather - over 2 months of this snow - you poor things.

Just to rub salt into the wound - look at this............

Mandi showing me how warm it is out there - hmmmmmmm ..... then she adds insult to injury by eating a Caramello which is a gorgeous choccy sweet full of caramel - the swine...........

No need for that is there?