He's been washing and washing his legs and back for some time now and he was starting to look manky. I looked very carefully to see if he'd got fleas, but as I do give him regular flea treatments, that didn't seem likely........ so it was a case of ' let's see if the vet can do something for him'.

My friend Yvonne very kindly offered to take him to the vet for me and she promptly arrived at 1pm. The appointment was for 1.30pm so she had allowed time to catch him - LOL.

Now both Pippin and Boo were in the lounge when she came and so they just looked at her and then went back to sleep, but then she brought out the basket .............. how can a cat grow so many legs and run so fast as Pippin did at that moment?!!!!!

He found more places to run and hide than I knew possible - luckily we'd closed the lounge door so it was just my room that was available for him to run and hide in - he took every advantage I can assure you - we were absolutely knackered when we eventually caught him!!!!

We heaved a joint sigh of relief and then............ he was out of the basket!!! How di he manage that? So it was another game of chase for the next 10 minutes. I was concerned because I didn't want him to be too stressed, but I think we were more stressed than he was. Yvonne threw a small blanket over him and got him. We put him in the basket and double checked the locks on it. He was secure.....

Yvonne very kindly took him for me. He was so pleased to see the vet, apparently he purred and rolled over on his back for her. She examined him - after having had a nice time tickling him - and no fleas!!! She decided that it was probably stress because of Boo, so she gave him a steroid injection, as well as a flea one, to help him. He came back all pleased with himself and didn't even rush out of the basket.

He knows that he's okay going to the vet, so why does he look and act so scared and frightened?

I mean look at him - doesn't he look sweet? Well his claws aren't so sweet. LOL