I'm sure I didn't bring my daughter up to torment me like this........ she seems to take great delight in showing me what's out there in Turkey, knowing full well I'm here in Britain............. LOL

It started off with her showing me the ice-cream that we had to leave behind when we had to come home in October. Apparently they are still perfect as both she and Dogan enjoyed having some for dessert!!!

The flavours there are just to die for - so full of taste and so many different flavours - the one on the left is dark bitter chocolate, creamy vanilla with chocolate bits and gorgeous morello cherry while the other one is lemon ice-cream, vanilla and black mulberry. They are just gorgeous..........We don't get this variety of flavours together over here in the UK.

Anyway to counteract this I showed her a picture of her favourite cheese biscuits which I'd bought because they were on half-price............

The language from her when I showed her these [mind you I hadn't told her that I'd bought them for her for when she comes home] can't be repeated in polite company!! So yesterday she sent me these pictures.............

She knows I love Ruffles crisps, especially ready salted ones and I just adore mandarins which are all over her garden............

Today however she really meant war.............

As if that wasn't bad enough - they went to another department and these were on show..............

Mmm baclavas are my favourite dessert - they're just gorgeous...........

Hmm profiteroles are superb...........

Then to finish me off - nuts and turkish delight........... how cruel can one daughter be? I know a lot of this isn't good for you, but as treats they're very very good for you. LOL.

Still she did send me a gorgeous picture of her sitting in the sun - grrrrr

Unfortunately I don't have any more ammunition to send to her, so I'm just going to go and find a corner and sulk............