Now this title is a good 'un.

Today is my daughter Mandi's birthday....she's celebrating it in Turkey with her hubby. Even though is cold over there, it's certainly not as cold as it is over here. She was sitting outside with Dogan having a coffee when we spoke on Skype today.....

and this is the view from where she was sitting .......

Not bad eh? Apparently it's going to rain and have strong winds over the next couple of days, so she's going to stay indoors in her home and catch up on some dvd's.

Yes you've read it right - my daughter's cat is a pervert I've decided. She has this fetish for my underwear. As soon as I'm in bed, she jumps up onto the side bed and rolls all over my bra etc. I just had to take pictures of her because for the first time, she'd rolled over and over and actually managed to get it on her.......

She just sat there like this for about 5 minutes not moving, then proceeded to jump off the bed and I thought - oh hell where's my bra going to be now, but luckily it was too big for her and it fell off her and stayed on the floor....

Had a lovely surprise today too - while I was sorting out the lounge, after I'd taken all Christmas decorations etc out into the other lounge, I discovered .......

another batch of bubble wrap!!!!!! Wonderful - that'll keep me occupied this evening.

Apart from these small diversions, my life hasn't been too distractive - just plodding along as usual. I do miss Mandi though - she's great company. Still I only have to wait about a month before she comes back home. I don't want to wish her time with Dogan short, but I just miss her.

Keep warm folks, it's damn cold here, am considering an electric blanket cos I'm cold at night and it's about £8 [$12] for a double one in Turkey, so I've asked Mandi to bring a couple back for here. It's at least under half price to any I've seen here in the UK. Mustn't forget to get two adapters for them too.

Hope you all are fine and in fine mettle.