So I'll write for him.... and let you know what we've been doing today. The weather turned to rain today, not a lot of it, just enough to give the garden a damn good drink and also enough for us to decide to stay in today. Not before he visited the garden though. I woke up to see the strimmer on the lawn, and the small extension lead joining it. He just loves doing things all the time. I'm more of a ''can I just stop a minute and catch my breath'' but he's up and at it. So I've let him loose on the garden and according to him - he's in his element and who am I to stop someone doing my garden without having to pay?

He's been having a whale of a time wandering around the garden, strimming this, that and the other. He's sorted out my shed, tidied it up, fixed the bench, fixed the hosepipe, cleared the path at the bottom of the garden, cut down some small sycamore trees, tried to get my old computer to work, but it needs more than he's got - [don't be rude] - repaired an extension lead, in fact he fixed two extension leads, sorted out the leads I have, tying them up individually, fixed my walker [the one I use around the house] and just fixed the cat's toy. It's only the second day - I wonder what else he can do in the time left. LOL

As long as he's happy I don't care. I need to rest more than he does. I've just cooked some dinner - his recipe - or at least what he can remember....... and also done some shortbread. I'll be on my knees by the time he goes - not used to this amount of activity.

While he was chopping away at the sycamore bushes and tidying up the shed, I wandered around looking at the plants and hey - that weird plant has flowered and whoever told me it would produce some yellow flowers, is right .............

Looks amazing and only two of the flowers has bloomed, it should look great when they are all out. All very fuzzy too...........

A gorgeous new blue flower has bloomed in the wildflower part - don't know what flower it is - but it's absolutely gorgeous.............

A marigold has come up - but it's not in the wildflower pot - so where it came from I don't know............

A gorgeous vivid orange poppy has also come up - not had one like this for years.........

The mombretia is starting to flower too - hell it's too damn early..............

Talking of poppies - this Oriental one has come up in the middle of the driveway, and the last time I had any of these was a few years ago - it's great.............

This yellow begonia is absolutely stunning. Such a change from the orange, pink and red ones - it's gorgeous.

Well we've just had a lovely meal - a recipe of his nibs - and it's gorgeous. So we may have been following his ideas and menus over the last few years and I must say - he's a good cook.

Hopefully we'll get out tomorrow - but rain is due, but they lie so much that we'll just wait until we see the sky.