It's been wall to wall sunshine today which has been wonderful. The only downside is that I now have to water the pots. Just as well I don't have too many isn't it? With the rain and then the sun - plants and trees have loved it. They are growing at a phenomenal pace.............

You can see my top lawn is being encroached by the plants - the mombretia is going to be a wonderful display methinks............

While I was outside on the lawn I noticed some teeny tiny flowers growing where I'd sown some wild flowers .............

This teeny tiny flower is so small that it's about the size of a single petal on a forget me not flower. I don't know what it is - but it's pretty.........

This yellow flower is quite invasive - it's not only in the flower bed, but also on the lawn. I think it's one I recognise, but I used to call it ''Pixie's slipper'' when I was a youngster...............

This is a new flower in the garden too - I thought it was cow parsley, but I don't think it is - it doesn't matter anyway - it's a lovely looking flower.......

Of course the cats had to join me - and Pippin stayed by me for quite a while and then he espied a butterfly - that was it - he was off................

I saw a sort of demised daisy - well Mandi had cut the grass for me a couple of days ago and I noticed that it was quite an interesting flower with only half of it remaining...........

The lavender is still growing well and it is starting to have a scent which is great........

The begonias are growing so well now and they seem to have two different kinds of flowers, a multi petal one like this one above and........

The single row of petals like this one....... I love the hairy centre so I did a macro of it......

Isn't it sweet?

The yellow nasturtium is coming up all over the place - in the new pots as well as in the flower beds - wonderful..............

Although I prefer the wonderful vibrant orange one - especially when it's against the pale green leaves..............

The orange lily seems to be blooming well, but my white and pale pink ones are sadly lacking in growth at the moment - I'll just keep my fingers crossed that leaves and a stem aren't the only things to come up from the pots.....

Okay that's about it for today - am just off now to water those pots. Hope you all have a great weekend and I don't care if it's Friday 13th - I have two black cats and they are always around me - so maybe they bring me luck. Have a safe Friday 13th anyway to you all.