Hiya folks,

Went to have a filling done yesterday and I was a tad nervous because I didn't know how good Vincenzo would be. Let me explain who Vincenzo is..... he's the locum filling in the space that my dentist, Ivan, left when he moved away. Apparently I have another dentist, permanent, on his way from Russia called Yuri. Anyway I'd already met Vincenzo the week before when he checked my teeth, and I didn't know what kind of dentist he was going to be, having been used to my other one. So it was with trepidation that I entered the surgery....

There was Vincenzo with a lovely welcoming smile and a lovely Italian accent. He said that he'd give me a little injection just to numb it and would go slowly. He was oh so gentle and I honestly didn't feel the needle go in, just was aware of having a large numb lip. He drilled and cleared the tooth, allowed me to close my mouth from time to time, because it does make your face ache when you have to have your mouth open wide all the time. He was so funny and very kind. I wish now that he was going to be permanent here because I would insist on him being my dentist. I just hope Yuri is going to be as good.

I came out of the dentist happier than I thought I'd be - then I spotted the church in Northam poking its tower over the hedge and so just had to take a picture of it......

It was a lovely blue sky at that point and so I thought I could get a good view of the bay from my high point at the dentist... between me taking the pics above and getting to the top of the road the sky clouded over........

This is the view - isn't it something else? I'd love to have one of those houses. I'll try and go up there again in a nicer weather.

Well Mandi is coming home on Tuesday/Wednesday and coming up here on Thursday then I won't have the car, she will....... well that is until she goes back to Turkey after a few weeks..... then it'll be mine ah-ah.

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. We seem to have lost the awful stormy weather thankfully - at long last - it's been 5 months of it and we are getting a tad fed up with it. Hopefully a dry and sunny period is on its way and my flowers can start blooming.