Was up bright eyed and bushy tailed by 8am!!!! Now some of you will know that this is quite unusual for me, but Fred the Shed was coming to do the hedge...... should I call him "Fred the Hedge"?

Anyway, he arrived promptly at 9am with his grandson in tow. What a lovely polite young man - 14 years old and already helping his grand-dad out and knows what he wants to do with his life - he wants to be a chef!!

Well while the young lad cut my lawn, Fred got down to doing more weed killing and then he trimmed the small hedges. He then started on the ivy which was growing around my bay window and was stopping a lot of light!! He told me that the main part of the ivy wasn't on my ground at all - it was next doors!! So he hacked away at the big stem of ivy growing up the wall so he severed it from growing anymore.

This is Fred - with his trademark hat - it's white in the summer and dark brown in the winter!!!!

So Fred then started to climb up his ladder and tackle the big hedge............

You can see just how unruly the hedge has grown. ..............

This is just before he stopped doing it. The long bits at the back can't be reached from my side - it belongs to next door, so I'll leave it up to them. The hedge is about 6ft wide, so a tad difficult to reach across................

This is how it looks now after the young boy tackled my lawn. He cut back my mombretia which is a shame, but I didn't say anything - I've still got lots in the front driveway, and it really did need a good cut...............

As you can see some Japanese Anemone is starting to show their flowers and they are so pretty...............

This is the plant that Tony helped me tidy up when he came up on Monday. It's smaller than it was, but it's much tidier. This is a part of the lounge that you don't normally see from this angle.............

Here is another part of my lounge you will recognise but it's from a different angle.

So I've been sewing for hours and hours - about 8 hours already, and I've put it away now til tomorrow.............

Nice quiet sort of day - having a bacon wrapped chicken breast, with new potatoes and fresh corn on the cob for supper - mmmm.