Well another 6 months have come round and it was off to the dentist for the 6 monthly check up. As I've told you before, my dentist, Ivan, is a gorgeous Bulgarian with lovely brown eyes and I've often wanted to be there for a longer time, but today was the same as before - nothing wrong with my teeth so didn't have to be there for long!!!!! So no gazing into those brown eyes, just a quick scan of my teeth and a smile and "see you in 6 months"!!!! sob sob :(

Still I had my driver, Victor, have a flirt with me which sort of made up for it!! :) When he'd dropped me off at the bottom of my drive, I thought I'd take advantage of it and take some photos from that part of my home.

Now this is looking opposite the bottom of my drive and as you can see - I live on a hill, which makes going down there and even trying to come back up impossible for me......

You can see from here the nature reserve which is a wonderful haven for birds etc. One day I'll get down there, when Mickey was here, we did attempt to go and look at it, but I had concede defeat and so we didn't manage it - sorry Mickey..........

If I look to the right from the bottom of my driveway - I look at these lovely views. Okay there are a lot of houses going down the road, but you can almost pretend they're not there!!!

My neighbours' driveway is shared between the two families and so they share costs and work. Unfortunately my driveway is just mine, so it's all down to me........

The middle part of the driveway needs the leaves brushing up, but the it seems pointless with leaves dropping every day. Nature will find a way of disposing of them naturally............

The fig tree is really quite laden now with fruit - and I've told anyone that they're welcome to pick as much as they like.......

Wild roses are abundant on my driveway - it's lovely..........

At least they're a splash of colour..........

The mombretia is starting to bloom and these are the first to come out.

So there you go - my day's outing, albeit not a terribly interesting one!!!!