This morning started out all drizzly and misty, just like it had done yesterday, but by the afternoon, we had lovely sun. Mandi came up for the day and we went shopping!!! Don't say anything - Ann, my neighbour, is away until Monday, so I wouldn't have been able to do my weekly shop otherwise.

Anyway, when we got home, we went on the net, and looked up e-bay because I needed some wadding for my other quilt, but typically female, we wandered over to the shoe department!!!! Boy oh boy are there some gorgeous, outrageous shoes out there. We spent a delightful hour ooohing and aahing over some of them. If I could still walk on high heels, I'd be spending hundreds of pounds right now!!! We did order a pair of some gorgeous shoes for Mandi though, but they were really reasonable, £20 ($40) for exclusive shoes. They've got platform soles of 2" and are a royal blue suede with heels of 6". Apparently Mandi quite fancies them and I must admit - I used to wear stillettos when I was her age. I am green with envy I must admit. Still I do have memories (and photos!!!!) LOL

Anyway when she went, the sun had come out and I went for a look-see in the garden and saw my peony had started to bloom......

What do you think eh? Isn't it gorgeous? I love the creamy whiteness of the petals with the tiny hint of red.

I am so glad that the weedkiller Fred put on the flower bed, avoided this plant. He is a good gardener thank heavens and he's coming back on Monday/Tuesday to do some more for me. I like weeding the driveway, but the weeds are coming up so quickly with this rain then sun that if I'm not careful, I'll have a lawn instead of gravel!!!! So I'm going to ask him to spray some weedkiller on the driveway and then I can go round later and just dig up the dead weeds.

Okay - I'm going to have a rest now - am tired from today's goings on.