Well being a girl (?) and living by the coast - today's theme is quite a good one. So here are my contributions to this week's theme............

The wavy lines in the strata in the cliff face at Hartland Quay...............

My aunty Molly with waves in her hair - the fashion in the 40's!!!!.............

The dogs of my son and his fiancee - Ruby & Roxy - with their gorgeously soft wavy coats...............

The wavy lines the tinsel made on the Christmas tree...................

The wavy lines the waves made with the sunset...............

The fascinating wavy lines on this candle holder - unfortunately the older it's got the paler and more fragile - so great care is needed when dusting this!!...........

Lots of wavy lines here - the bark and the lichen and moss ....................

The gorgeously colourful wavy lines from this sunset..................

Wavy patterns in the fire.................

Finally the lovely wavy hair of my future daughter-in-law and even Tony's hair is wavy.

Hope my ideas are okay!