Well it's going to be Easter this weekend, a time when the Spring is supposed to be half way through and the temperatures warm - what's happened this year, is that the temperatures have plummited and is crawling along in the 40F's or should I say 6C!!!! It's ridiculous - with the cost of the electricity spiralling out of control, I've tried not to have the radiator on, but it's too cold to go without any heating at all - so my halogen fire is facing me and I'm okay now!!!

It was rather overcast today - so no surprise it was cold, then blue sky came along this afternoon and I wanted to get out onto the driveway to see the bluebells. Isn't it funny, but you see blue sky and the sun and something in your brain says - it's going to be warm outside?!!!!

Well I went out through the back door and I wasn't too disappointed because it was in the lea of the wind - I went round the corner of the house and ........ it was Baltic!!! The wind could have cut like a knife. So I didn't hang around and shot out to take the pictures of the bluebells. Not a lot of them were out - but it's a start isn't it?

Then I saw that my flowering cherry was starting to bud, so I obviously had to take a picture of that.....

I then saw the rose - I'm really shocked that it's still growing - it needs a lot of care and attention and I can't do it. I'm going to have to put it on the list of jobs for Emily to do!!!! Ha ha.

I then saw some primroses in a pot - now I haven't planted any in a pot, so it's self seeded - great!

It was while I was photographing this, that I became aware of a tiny bird hopping its way towards me. It was a robin. He wasn't in the least bit scared of me - probably because now I didn't have Pippin with me. He hopped over and I said "hello" and he came nearer. I took some pictures of him, but I was shivering from the cold and so they weren't very good - not like the pictures you all show on here. Besides I just had my point and press camera - not an expensive one with all the "bells and whistles" on it.

He was so cute and not in the least phased by me being there. I hope that when it's warmer and I go out and sit down, that he'll visit me again and maybe even hop onto my hand - now wouldn't that be something else?

Well I came in pretty quickly - and I've only just started to warm up. The fleece jacket is what's keeping me warm - that and the fire near me. I hope everyone has a good week to come..... and a very happy Easter if I don't write anything between now and then!!!!