Even though I haven't actually planted any of these flowers/bushes etc, this garden just keeps on giving. Maybe it's because I don't interfere with the nature nor put down weedkiller etc that gives the plants freedom to grow wherever they want to.

The Himalayan Honeysuckle which is self sown, has become a large bush now - approximately 8 feet high!!!....

The flowers are so pretty and they all seem to be this four piece layered sort of bloom. It didn't take it long to change from just a green bush, to something which is so pretty...

The other beauty in this garden is also self sown - it's suddenly appeared peeking over the top of the burberis bush and the lilac tree. I understand that it's a rather large bush behind the other trees, but can only be seen from the bottom of the garden - which I don't, or rather can't, go and have a look.

It's so quiet here too - only being interrupted by the singing of the birds or, as in the case of seagulls - squawking, which is absolute bliss. I might hear the odd siren echoing in the streets below in the valley, but the wind has to be in the right direction. I'm far enough away from the road at the end of my drive, that I very rarely hear any cars driving up there.

So this beauty and amazing neighbours - I am so lucky to live here, I don't look onto houses, or concrete walls, nor am I surrounded by noisy roads - but I still think I'll end up moving to Turkey to be with Mandi and her husband and then I'll make sure that I can see the sea from every window and hopefully get myself a swimming pool in the garden - that way I can do exercises easily. The housing market is about half price to over here, and that's WITH the pool and view!!!!

I wish you all a very happy weekend and enjoy the warm weather - apart from those of you who live in Canada and parts of the US, I hope you manage to get good air conditioning!!!!