Hiya folks, sorry I haven't written a blog for a while, but to be honest - my life is so much the same every day, I haven't had anything to write about. At least Mickey can write about his gardening, but I don't have even that!!! The last few days have been wonderfully sunny, but very very humid. Well today we had really big rolls of thunder, and so I had to semi-close my windows, but the rain didn't come and the thunder has moved away - but leaving the humidity with us!!!

The mombretia is still covering my garden with a gorgeous vivid orange, and now the Japanese Anemone is starting to flower, with delicate pale pink petals. As far as the plants in my lounge, they're still flowering and growing fast. I tell you - that Baby Bio is amazing - the plants have grown so much since I started putting that "feed" into the water!!! I still only see Emily once a week, and otherwise I'm on my own all the time. Now luckily for me, I do enjoy my own company, but I must say, after 6 months of it - I'm getting a tad down!!! So I've got to stop feeling like that - and get myself going by writing a blog.

Well I spoke to Tony the other day and he said he was going to come up to see me with the children and Stevie (his wife) - well that would have been wonderful, even though it would be a shock to the system, after 6 months of only seeing 1 person at a time. Then he asked if it was okay for Stevie's nephew to come too - that was one person too much. I don't know him very well and I couldn't see where he could sit, and for us to still keep to the social distancing. As it was I was getting a bit panickey because I've managed to last this long without being amongst other people, and therefore haven't risked my life with this virus. Usually where I live, there haven't been many cases of COVID19, but lately we have been inundated with hoardes of tourists. They have all come down from the cities (where there are many cases) and are going around without masks on and they aren't keeping to the social distancing. In other words they're endangering us with their selfishness. So it means I'm really too scared to go out, and so to have Tony and his family come here, not being able to stay the correct distance away, really scared me. So I had to ask him, if he could just bring his immediate family, and maybe the nephew another time. He wrote back saying that they hadn't thought of what I'd been going through, and how I felt, so they were going to forego seeing me this week, until things have settled down.

Well that was a disappointment, because the last time I saw him was in February!! Then I had another call with Mandi, who said she was going to try to come here for around a month - wonderful. I let her sort out the arrangements, and then this afternoon, she said that the Turkish government were starting to tighten up again. People weren't wearing their masks nor keeping social distancing - again it was the tourists not the locals who were behaving like that. She was a bit concerned about coming and then not being able to get back, in case the borders were locked again. So that's two disappointments in as many days!!!! I fully understand where she's coming from, but I do miss her so much. So folks, I thought I'd just write and let you know why you hadn't heard from me for a while.

I promise I will try and write more often - I haven't seen the sea this year at all, but I have discovered the live webcam of the seaside town near me, and I can see it on the computer!! I do hope you are all keeping safe and adhering to the laws of masks and social distancing. If any of you do go away on holiday, please don't leave your mess behind - take the rubbish home with you. Keep to the rules, then hopefully this awful virus will soon be a thing of the possible past.

Okay take care and keep safe.