Well my daughter had her operation today and the surgeon sounds a lovely person. She went to Mandi, before the anaesthetic, and chatted to her (as much as her "not too good English" would allow), and said that she would take great care of her and for her not to worry. When it was all over, she was told that they'd taken 3 lumps out!!! Two were very big and rock hard, while a smaller one was hiding between them. So she got rid of them all, but unfortunately that meant a larger cut, as the lumps were rather deep, so she has lots of stitches and staples.

Dogan had been sitting outside the operating theatre!!! Apparently they can do this!!!!! She was in the theatre for over an hour, and when it was all over, the surgeon came out to Dogan and showed him pictures of the lumps she'd taken out of Mandi!!!! I'm glad in a way, because then he can probably understand what she'd been going through, and will hopefully be a lot more understanding of her pain. He was horrified to see the size of the lumps, and said he was shocked to see them and to imagine that they'd been inside her - and did actually say that it was no wonder she'd been in so much pain.

Now I don't know about you - but is it normal for surgeons to take pictures of items they've taken out and show them to the patient and spouse?!!! She said they were unusually large, which is why she took pictures.

Anyway, I've spoken to Mandi, she's home already, and she looked good. She has to have her dressings changed every day for 10 days, and then go back to the hospital to be signed off.

I've been so worried about this all, as I'm sure you can understand. I'm nearly 3,000 miles away from my daughter and I couldn't be there for her when she had her hysterectomy and now these large lumps - I feel I'm a lousy mum.

I'm still trying to get plane tickets to see her for Christmas, but it's a nightmare - nearly all of them have a stopover in Istanbul for about 8 hours, I don't think I can manage that. Also the take-off airport in the UK, is about 400 miles away, which is also a difficult situation for me - catching buses and changing over. So we are still looking for a flight that goes directly to airports near her, not necessarily Bodrum. Izmir and Dalaman are two large airports about 3 hours away from her, so it might have to be going to one of them.

It's gone so much colder now - radiators and fires are switched on virtually as soon as I get up. Even Pippin is sleeping near the fire, but on top of my trolley!!!!

I hope you all have a good week and a lovely weekend to come.