I've never had this happen to me before - but yesterday the second bird to fly into the window occurred.

I was sitting doing some sewing, when I heard this awful "clump" against my window and I looked up and there were feathers galore floating down the window as this little bird slowly slid down out of sight. I got up and opened the window to see if he was okay - but he had a little bit of blood coming out of his mouth. I picked him up and could see his neck was broken. He breathed his last breath and that was it. I did try CPR but I was unsure of how hard I should try to pump his chest. After a while I realised that he'd gone, so I laid him down on some kitchen paper.

I lifted up his wings and marvelled at the feathers. They are almost transparent and the shapes are amazing.

Then I looked at his feet. The toes were really very wrinkly but just take a look at those nails - sorry - talons!!!!

They are absolutely huge for such a small bird. I suppose they have to be this sharp because they have to grasp and hold on to their prey - whatever that is!!!

Now I don't know what bird he is, with his spots I thought of a thrush, but he had some lovely yellowy feathers too. His feathers were so incredibly soft. I kept stroking him - don't know why because it was obvious that he was dead, but it's not often I have the chance to hold and stroke such a beautiful little thing.

I'd mentioned the first bird flying into my bedroom window to Sam, my window cleaner - who said that it was because I had such lovely clean windows!!!! Well he washed the windows last week - so maybe that's so considering what's happened. It was the bay window he flew into, so maybe he thought he could fly straight through into the lounge!!!