Emily offered to take me to the surgery this afternoon, so I could have my free flu jab. It was a drop-in clinic, so we thought it would be a good idea to arrive early, so we wouldn't have to wait too long. When we arrived there were a few already sitting in the waiting room, but not too many to get worried about a long wait. I'd been given a ticket with a number on it, 424, which when the nurse eventually came out to start the clinic and called 418, I was quite happy, knowing I only had 6 people infront of me.

There was a surge of people into the waiting room, until there was at least 30 people standing, whilst every chair was occupied!!!! I could hardly believe it. Anyway it was only a few minutes before I was called in, and a very nice (but young) nurse said she hoped she wouldn't hurt me!! I hoped that too, and I was waiting for her to put the needle in, and she had already finished!!! She was brilliant. She did say that I would probably be sore later. Well it's been almost 10 hours and it's not started to hurt yet, so I doubt it will. So hopefully I won't catch flu - although I did worry with all those people in the waiting room - perfect place to catch something!!!

Well Emily asked if I fancied seeing the sea as I hadn't been out for a while - so with it being a gorgeous day - blue sky and the odd white cloud scudding across, it was the best idea. We stopped at one of my favourite places, at the top of the jetty, and the tide was almost fully out. The golden sand looked amazing and there were just a very few hardy souls walking on the beach with their dogs. As I hadn't expected to be going there, I hadn't taken my handbag, so no camera!! No problem says Emily - I'll take some pictures with my phone and send them to you!!! Which is exactly what she did.

As you can see - what a gorgeous view. It wasn't all that cold neither. Oh I do so love this view. I really miss not getting out and seeing the sea. It must be nearly 2 months since I was last out. I am completely housebound now my car has given up the ghost. I don't think I can afford to buy another car yet, so unless my lovely friends offer to take me out, then I'm stuck indoors. It's just as well, I'm able to fill my time being busy.

Well I wish you all a great week coming, and a fantastic weekend after.