This morning when I came downstairs after my shower, I noticed that I could see glimpses of pink outside the window. So camera in hand, I went to my window and saw, to my delight, that the tiny wild rose just below it, had started to flower. It doesn't have any scent unfortunately, but it is very attractive. Usually there are lots of flowers, but maybe I missed seeing them when they first came out.

It's such a sweet little flower, especially as I didn't have to plant it!!!! We've had some lovely hot days here, as everyone else seems to have had, but unfortunately the humidity was way too high and that doesn't help with my COPD!! So I stayed indoors for most of the time.

However last night we had a little rain, which has sort of lifted some of the humidity levels, so the doors and windows are still wide open to get a bit of a breeze. The garden is liking the sun, but it also needs the rain and I don't think yesterday's tiny drop will have quenched its thirst!! I'm lucky in the way that a lot of my garden is very shaded with all the trees and bushes, so the sun hasn't dried the garden out too much...

The mombretia (the one with orange flowers) has taken over again and is looking gorgeous. I just love to see the splashes of bright orange in amongst the greenery. When Emily came last week, I asked her if she could cut away the dead leaves of the mombretia and life up the ones that were lying on the grass. She asked if I meant that it needed a haircut!!!! She did such a good job, that the lawn has now got a bit more space to grow.

You can see in the photo above that there are small pink flowers, that's the Japanese Anemone just starting to bloom. I love the natural flowers growing in my garden, I just wish I could go out there and see them and tidy the garden up.

As you can see the little rose is so sweet, but it does look as if it had come out maybe over a week ago, so I missed the first opening. I'm hoping that more little flowers will be coming out soon.

The mombretia will be coming out for maybe another month or so, so there will be lots of splashes of orange.

I've loved seeing everyone elses gardens with the variety of blooms and the different colours - I used to have a garden like that - but nowadays I can't get out and about so easily, so it means I have to manage what I do have.

I hope everyone has had a good weekend and I wish you all a wonderful week to come.