Well Mandi arrived last night or should I say early this morning?!!! It was close on 5am by the time she came in. My neighbours had been brilliant and gone to pick her up from the airport, which is just over 100 miles away, and her plane didn't land until just after 2am!!! I can't thank them enough for going for her, and bringing her safely to me. Well we both had a lie-in and had only been up a couple of hours when Emily arrived!! Those two got on so well and soon we were all chatting and laughing!!

After Emily had changed my bedlinen, she proceeded to go and cut my grass - apparently she enjoys doing it, because Mandi had said that she would do it, but Emily insisted that she did it. So soon she was walking up and down my lawn and within ten minutes it was all cut and looking great.

The temperatures have dropped severely tonight and apparently we can expect frost!!!! For heaven's sake it's the beginning of May!! I certainly didn't expect to still be wearing thermal vests and jumpers this long into the year!!!!

Unfortunately the heavy wind and the rain has done damage to the lilacs and apple blossom, so it isn't as gorgeous as I'd hoped for Mandi to see, still I don't think she was all that bothered this morning as she was feeling extremely tired, she'd been awake close on 26 hours by the time she went to bed!

Well today has been a nice relaxing one and we have been planning all the different places we are going to explore in Turkey!! As she won't be working until I've left, it means that we have 5 weeks to have fun, we've already planned to see as many sunsets as possible!! Yay!!!

Okay folks, sorry I don't have time to write very much. So I wish you all a very happy weekend.