While I was sorting out things yesterday, I came across a piece of paper with some very interesting (well I thought they were) facts - I'd obviously thought they were good enough to write down on the paper!!!

1) The pressure exerted by a rat's jaw is some 24,000 lbs and it can chew through plastic, dry wall and cinder block!!

2) In the 1960's the CIA implanted a microphone and radio transmitter into a cats skull, but just before it went on its mission - it got run over by a car!!

3) The fastest dog can run up to 45 mph and Usain Bolt, the world's fastest man can only run 27.8 mph
4) "It's raining cats and dogs" originates from the 17th century when heavy rainstorms left homeless cats and dogs floating down flooded streets.

There you are - some odd snippets to help pass 10 minutes!!!!