I had a white rose bush in a flower pot on my kitchen window sill but it wasn't doing very much really. In fact these last two years, I've only had one flower show in the winter time. I got a bit fed up but did wonder if it was a bit too lanky. There was a lot of stalk but no leaves or flowers on them, so I thought - it's time to have a clip here and there.......

So I got my secateurs out and snipped away willy nilly!!!! Eventually I had a decent looking bush, with loads of off-cuts. I didn't throw them away, I stuck them back into the pot. I was so surprised that nearly all of them took root and so now I had about 8 stalks in the pot. Then leaves arrived, and I counted them - 5 on each stalk which means a rose, there had been 7 leaves per stalk, which usually means a bramble, so I'd made the rose bush back into a proper rose.

Last week I noticed that on two of the stalks were buds growing - 3 on each of them!!!!!
So I was thrilled and then yesterday it was beautiful - there were some beautiful roses on the bush - in fact there are only 3 on them at the moment, with another 3 getting ready to bloom.....

This is the second to bloom, and you can see other buds getting ready to open within the next few weeks.....

The first one to bloom is this one above - it's so beautiful - also it's a double header. So gorgeous especially with the petals all furled. I know I've waxed lyrical over this flower, but I think it's because through not spending a fortune on special rooting powder and constantly caring for it, (it had two choices - live or die), it's developed into gorgeous flowers. Oh I'm a happy bunny.

Now tomorrow is a big day here in the UK and probably for you over in the US, with the wedding of our Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. For those of you who aren't Royalists, then tomorrow is a day you'd rather ignore or watch something else on the tv if it's not a day for outside. Whereas Mandi and I who are both staunch Royalists, are going to thoroughly enjoy the day. We are having an open brunch, with tiger baps and ham, eggs, cucumber, lettuce, cress and tomatoes, a lovely raspberry and coconut sponge and homemade icecream. Hopefully the day will be lovely and sunny and again we can have the lounge windows open.

Have a great weekend folks....