Hiya folks

So sorry I've not been on here for a while, but I've been juggling my time for some obscure reason lately and I just don't seem to have had time to write any blogs etc.

Well yesterday was a very special day - Thursday 14th September 2017 I became officially a GRANDMOTHER!!!!! The adoption panel was held that afternoon and Josh and Chloe are fully fledged members of our family. They are so lovely and well adjusted, considering what they've been through.

They came up on Sunday to see me and they were both happy to have huge hugs and kisses from their Nana. Unfortunately the weather was rubbish as it has been for most of this year. There you others are, sweltering in heat and sun, and we've had about 10 days altogether this year where I could wear short sleeves. It's been weird to watch the weather forecasters show the temperatures, the east coast - London etc - they've been enjoying temperatures in the high 70's and low 80's, whereby our temperatures were in the low 60's!!!!! Who would have thought that in a small country like ours, the temps can range so much from one end to the other.

Anyway - I digress - the weather was raining and very windy, not the kind of weather for trips to the seaside nor even the garden (or forest as they have affectionately named my garden!). So they played in my lounge bouncing on the bed! and hugging the frogs I'd made them and starting to enjoy learning how to play Sudoku. The way they were playing with Tony was really good to see. I don't know how long it's been since I last saw Tony so relaxed and enjoying himself with children. He wasn't used to being around small kids before he got Josh and Chloe, so to see him laughing and joking was great.

Anyway I took a couple of videos and thought you'd like to see the fun that was to be had. Also, I never realised how high a girl's scream could be!!!!! It was like hearing a referee's whistle being blown into my ears - shrill doesn't even cover it!!!! As she was being tickled by Daddy, it was great fun.

You'll have to excuse the state of the room but it's doubling up as a bedroom for me at the moment, because I still have problems going up and down my stairs. As I live on my own, the thought of falling and lying there on my own for hours is quite scary. I hope I'll get better and start going upstairs to bed. My poor lounge, luckily it's a rather large one, is full of things I need during the day and during the night!!! I think it would be better for me to live in a bungalow, but I don't want to move to anywhere here in the UK. If I were to move, it would be to Turkey, to be with my daughter. Tony and family live in a city which is a no-no for me. At least in Turkey, I can find a bungalow and be warm, with a sea-view too!!!

Anyway that's something to think of many years down the line. So meanwhile, here I am in my family home, sharing it with a super little cat, Pippin and surrounded by fantastic neighbours. Life is okay! In fact now I have two grandchildren added to the family - isn't that great?