The quilt is finished!!!! I almost can't believe it myself.

My fingers will be very pleased too - they are quite sore at the moment, well the middle ones are where the needle has been pressed into them while I did the handsewing.

You can see how much of this is hand sewn - apart from the original blocks, which have been sewn together by a machine, everything else has been done by hand!!!!

This is the detail on the back of the quilt. I must admit I've really enjoyed doing it and tomorrow I'll get back to my quilt that I started in January.

This quilt is my present to my neighbour Yvonne for Christmas. It's a thank you for being such a good friend and for looking after Pippin when I've been away. I started it on 2nd February and finished it this evening. That's a total of roughly 300 hours as I've done something to it virtually every day of at least 5 to 6 hours daily.

I do hope she likes it.