Couldn't believe it but it was sunny again today!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had to do a wash, and so I thought I'd see if I could get it dry by putting it on the line. When I took it out of the machine, somehow I'd left a tissue in a pocket!!!!!!!!!! You can guess what the clothes looked like - covered in confetti!!!!!!!!!! Well it's been so long since I last dried my washing outside - at least 6 months or so. So I gingerly went out and pegged the washing on the line - hoping against hope no-one would visit me today as my knicks would have been the first thing they'd see as they rounded the driveway corner!!!!!!!!!!

Still after a few hours and noticing it was getting darker, even though the clocks have gone forward, I brought the washing in. Most of it was dry but the waistbands on my trousers/pyjama bottoms are still damp, so they'll be plonked in the dryer later on. There was still loads of confetti on the clothes despite a stiff breeze - so I'm going to be busy tonight!!!!!!!!!!!

Mandi has arrived in Turkey to be with her hubby. She landed safely according to her text message and now she can have a wonderful time being with him. My son Tony just let me know that his book "Soul Weavers" has been published and is now available on Amazon, so I shot off and bought it. I can hardly believe that my son is now a published author. I am so so proud of him.

Okay off to go and get my supper! I can smell it cooking which is usually a sign that it's ready! I bought a turkey thigh on Thursday and cooked it Friday. So Friday night was roast turkey for supper. Saturday (yesterday) I had some of the cooked turkey with egg fried rice and today I have finally finished the rest of it and made a turkey and bacon pie. Mind you judging by the size of the pie, it looks as if I'll be eating it tomorrow too - so that's 4 good meals from one turkey thigh costing me £1.50 - less than 40p a time!!! See we oldies know how to stretch out our pension!!!!

Right speak to you lot again soon. I hope you all have a very happy Easter and that you aren't too cold.