I've just had a phone call from my son with some wonderful news - well in fact it's lots of news really.......

Firstly he said that he and his fiancee Stevie are going for adoption. She's 45 and he's 43 and they've been trying for quite a while now to become pregnant, but nothing has happened - I did tell him that they should be experts at it by the amount of practising they've been doing!!!! LOL

Anyway they want to have a family and so are going down the adoption route and are quite open to having siblings - for an immediate family. They will make wonderful parents and I get to be a Grannie!!!!

Their other news is that on March 1st 2014 they are getting married!!!!! They are so lovely together and have been with each other for over 5 years and they are very well suited.

So how about that eh? Funny how just one phone call can give me so much delight.

This is Tony and Stevie...............

See what I mean about suiting each other?