Trying not to sit around with nothing to do while I'm waiting for the backing material to come, I've started a quilt I'm giving to my neighbour, Yvonne, for Christmas. I know it's 11 months to go, but she's got me making some bunting for her son's wedding and also a quilt for the newly weds for next Christmas. I can't tell her that I'm doing one for her too, so I thought it would be a good idea to start it now while I have time.

I've started my quilt and have finished off the front but I'm waiting for the backing to come so I can then join all pieces together and then start on the hand sewing.

I've changed my idea for the colouring...............

This is one block - the yellow one....................

This is the other colour block - the green one...................

This is a block for the one for Yvonne............

As you can see, the colours are similar but with her quilt, each block is the same design and will be sewn into a different pattern.

I really do enjoy sewing as you've probably gathered, but I'm running out of people to give these quilts to, so I've been thinking of what else I can make.............

I was talking to my volunteer driver on Friday and her daughter has started to make quilted pictures. Now that is something I could do, they won't take so much time neither, so maybe I could eventually sell some or at least give more away!!! My poor neighbours must wring their hands in despair when they hear that I'm about to start another project!!!!

I could also make some cushion covers - like I did for Mickey and others. Also I'm wanting to make cards, so I think that they will cover Christmas!!!!

So that's my plan for the next few months - well at least until some warmer weather comes and I'll be outside getting some fresh air in my lungs.