It's been another cold day here, although we have been so lucky compared to some other parts of the country. I live in the south west of England and it's a rare occasion that snow actually visits us.

I know the last couple of years or so have been the exception to the rule and we have had quite a dollop of snow down here, I still am surprised to see any of the white stuff.

So even though we don't actually have snow, it still becomes very cold here. The temperatures are well down almost in a minus range. So I've had to light a coal fire for the last 5 days. I do love the open fire, but it is a bind having to riddle it every morning and getting rid of the ashes, only to re-lay it again.

I took these photos just now to show you how cosy and welcoming it is. The rest of the house is cold but my lounge is nice and warm. Sometimes I wish I had central heating, but it's very impersonal isn't it?