Hello - thought it was about time I wrote to let you all know what's been going on in my life since I last wrote a blog............ not a lot!!!! LOL

Well on my birthday, and again thank you so much for all your lovely messages, my handyman Ron, turned up, unaware of it being my birthday.......... well as soon as he realised it, I had a big hug and a very whiskery kiss on my cheek!!!! That was about all I could handle, although I will admit, he does wear nice aftershave!!

Then on the Saturday, my children came up to see me. Mandi arrived first, as usual, and she couldn't wait to show me her photos and DVD of her wedding and holiday in Turkey. It was absolutely wonderful to see her so happy with Dogan. Seeing him move and talk reminded me of how I last saw him, and then to see the way he looked at Mandi made my heart skip a beat. So much love and tenderness in it. He was so attentive towards her and was thoroughly enjoying himself introducing her to some of his family and friends. His mum and siblings couldn't come to the wedding, because they live about 1,500 miles away in the southern part of Turkey. So they will go back and see them sometime this year hopefully. Mandi managed to speak to his mum and his brother on the phone. They were thrilled to welcome her into the family.

I was surprised watching the DVD of her party, when she explained who a lot of the people were - the Mayor, the Head of the Narcotics Squad, the Head of the Immigration, several hoteliers and loads of shopkeepers with their spouses!!!! There were about 80 people there! The Mayor himself married them, which was great.

Then Tony arrived with a lovely carrot and walnut cake for me. He also gave me a voucher for Amazon for my Kindle, then proceeded to show me how to download the books. I've got so many books on there now, so it'll be wonderful to have so many books to hand.

Since then, I've been doing more sewing. I have finished sewing all the blocks needed for my quilt. Now all I have to do is to iron them, then arrange them into the pattern I want and then start sewing them together.

Talking about sewing............. my neighbour, Yvonne, rang me up and asked me if I would make some bunting for her daughter's marquee at her wedding in June!!!!! Now bunting isn't very difficult to make, there's just a lot of it!!!!!! She said they'd get the material and bias binding and then pay me to make the bunting. Now I won't let them pay me for it, it's only my time that's being used, and I've got loads of that!!!! She is so kind to me and looks after Pippin for me at the drop of a hat, also her hubby brings me chopped wood for kindling and won't accept payment at all, so this is my way of saying - thanks. Should be interesting - never made it before, but it doesn't look too difficult.

Well am up to date now - except I was going to go shopping tomorrow, but the weather report is heavy snow!!! So we went today and now I've got a lovely bit of tenderloin of pork and baked potato cooking, as well as a lovely strawberry, peach and coconut crumble with custard for dessert!!