There's not a lot going on in my life at the moment - the thrill of my daughter getting married, having Christmas with my son's soon to be in-laws and having a mildish start to the New Year has sort of left me hanging at the moment!!!

I've started on a new quilt - this time for me - as you already know, I've been doing about 5 or 6 hours a day sewing (with a machine!) and it's coming on in leaps and bounds. I'm getting quite excited really - how sad is that? I like the colours and I think this will be a good quilt, it's going to take me a long time finishing it off though - all that hand sewing - still (as they say over here) - it'll keep me off the streets!!!! LOL

Mandi has come home full of her trip to Turkey. She is so happy and so much in love it's lovely to hear it in her voice. Hopefully both she and my son Tony will be up to see me on Saturday, which is a good idea since I still have Mandi's Christmas pressies here and also her birthday card and pressie (which is next week) and a book I'd bought for Tony's Christmas eventually arrived 2 weeks too late!!!! so that's all wrapped up ready for him. It'll be good to see her photos and DVD of her wedding, and to see my new son-in-law and some of his family.

This is their ring cermony. When the rings were bought, they were joined with red ribbon. During the ceremony the registrar cut the ribbon to signify that they were married.

This is the happy couple celebrating their marriage..

Towards the end of the hectic day - I think Mandi was a tad tired!!!................

They went on honeymoon further south in Turkey, Alanya, where you can see they enjoyed lovely weather........

Why didn't he smile here? It would have been a lovely picture - have to sort that out!!! LOL

Taken just before she came back home in his restaurant. They do look so happy.

So there you go - just a little bit about what's been going on in my life - or should I say - my family's life.

Right off to do some reading of other blogs.............