Pippin isn't usually hanging around me during the day - he's off out and about in the gardens, looking for mice or the occasional moggie who tries to get it's way into my kitchen to eat Pippin's food.

But the weather has turned really cold and Pippin has decided that it's too damn cold for him to venture out, except for essentials (!!!) and that the wadding I'd cut out for some cushion covers I was making, made an excellent bed...............

He just loves it - he paddles the wadding and then lies down on it and even if I try and get the cutting board from underneath it, he doesn't move, just holds on in case he falls!!!

See he wouldn't even open his eyes when I called him so I could take his photo. He's now fast asleep on my coffee table, just a short way from the heater. When I stroke him - he just purrs but doesn't budge! That's cats for you...............