Poor Pippin was so totally unaware of what was going to happen today when he woke up!!! There he was snoozing quietly on my bed, having a lovely dream.

He came downstairs when he heard me put his food bowl down. He stretched and flexed his claws, then ambled outside to whatever he gets up to out there............

Then at 1pm I locked the cat flap, so that he could come in but not go out again. That was the idea anyway, but another cat had managed to slip in to, no doubt, eat Pippin's food and Pippin wasn't too keen on this, so quite a bit of caterwauling went on. I jumped up and went into the kitchen, to see Pippin shooting up the hallway and up the stairs, leaving behind one very erratic white and black cat trying to head butt his way out of the cat flap!!!!!!!!

He must have tried to go out about 6 times before I could get to him and open the door!!! Hopefully this might just stay with him for a while, and he'll leave Pippin's food alone.

Eventually Pippin came downstairs and I took advantage of this and closed the middle doorway in the hall, so it would leave less rooms for him to do a bolt!!!

Yvonne came at 2.30pm and I had to make sure that he couldn't get out the door while I let her in. We got the cat basket out from underneath the stairs, then.................the fun began!!!!!!!!!!!

Pippin took one look at it, and maybe he remembered the last time he went in it and decided to do a bunk. Luckily I held onto him, wondering if I was going to need plasters - but he went in the basket without too much trouble!!

We drove up to the vet with a very noisy cat on the back seat. He was really telling us that he wasn't too keen on the car drive.

We arrived at the vet and when it came to him having to come out, we had to virtually turn the basket upside down for him to come out!! One quick injection to kill any fleas, and it was all over. He went into the basket with no trouble at all.

Another road trip with him moaning ensued. As soon as we got home, he casually walked out of the basket and with a flick of his tail he strolled up the hallway!!!!

Honestly -cats - what a to-do just for an injection!!!!