I don't often take photos of insects so I really had to delve into the depths of my pictures!! Here are some of them..................

Now before smartie pants come on here and say - this isn't an insect .................I know it's a spider and not an insect, but I was quite pleased with this photo and as far as I'm concerned, it's similar to an insect LOL................

This bumble bee was having a high old time on this chive flower...................

Then another one decided to pollinate my Japanese anemone - he's been hard at it, because I've got loads of these in my garden............

Here is another one clinging for dear life on a stalk.................

Then of course there's a dragon fly trying to find it's way out of the porch, I let him out after I'd taken a few photos of him................

This was a grasshopper, who wandered around my home all summer. However many times I put him out of the lounge window, somehow he managed to find his way back.............

Finally this stink bug got his own back when I accidentally sat on him in Greece - boy did my bum hurt, even more when my daughter had great fun putting mosquito pen on it, and it stung to high heaven, so be careful if you see these things - they'll bite you!!!!! LOL