Well as you may already know - my garden is just full of trees - in fact I'm surrounded by trees which is wonderful. Some of them blossom which is beautiful - creating colour in the air.............

This is my gorgeous laburnham tree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

As you can see the flowers are simply beautiful..............

These trees are at the bottom of my driveway. I've always referred to them as "monkey puzzle" trees - but I may be wrong................

This is opposite my driveway - I just love this tree.....................

Is there a more beautiful tree? I can never tire of looking at this.........

This is what I mean about being surrounded by trees - this is my view from the bathroom onto my driveway...................I just had to take a photo when we we had the snow - quite a rarity around here........

And this is from my bedroom window - see what I mean?

So take your pick about a tree near my home!!!!!! LOL